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Narrarsi Altrove Presentation (2 April 2022, 3pm)

We are pleased to invite you to a brief presentation of “Narrarsi Altrove” by Anna Ciardullo Villapiana, Stella Paola, Gabriel Niccoli, with the participation of Gabriella Colussi Arthur (Professor Emerita, York University and President, Italian Canadian Archives Project) on Saturday April 2, 2022 at 3:00 pm Toronto (9:00 pm Rome) hosted on the zoom platform of Com.It.Es Toronto (Committee Representing Italians Abroad).

Please register at and you will receive the event’s zoom link.

The presentation will be followed by a concert of Italian Immigrant Music, “Semi della diaspora”, by Italian songwriter Gianluca Lalli who will perform online from his Facebook page. (

The event starts off the fundraising campaign to support our poetic space, “Narrarsi Altrove, viaggio tra i cimeli e i luoghi dell’anima”, a project that aims to preserve and promote the cultural heritage and historical memory of Italians immigrated to Canada.

Your generous donations will be deeply appreciated and can be made on the ICAP website at

or by a cheque payable to Italian-Canadian Archives Project (ICAP) and mailed to: 
ICAP Treasurer, 6498 Brigden Road, Bright’s Grove, Ontario, N0N 1C0 

As ICAP is a registered charitable organization it will provide you with a receipt for income tax purposes.