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ICAP is pleased to announce plans for its 8th ANNUAL CONFERENCE & AGM — AUGUST 24-25, 2018

ICAP is pleased to announce plans for its 8th ANNUAL CONFERENCE & AGM — AUGUST 24-25, 2018, Calgary, AB. In collaboration with Sarracini Travel, ICAP has organized a pre-conference historical AB & BC motor coach tour (August 19-23, 2018) in which participants travel from Calgary through southern Alberta and southeastern British Columbia stopping in and visiting the sites where Italian Canadians have shaped local history. These include Calgary itself, Crowsnest Pass, Nelson, Fernie, Trail, Revelstoke, Emerald Lake, Canmore, and Kananaskis. ICAP collaborators, including the local museum staff, will be on hand to describe their collections and give insights into the contributions of Italian-Canadians. ICAP’s 8th conference is an opportunity to understand more closely the contributions of those who arrived in Western Canada by means of labour recruitment programs established by the Canadian Pacific Railway, Canadian National Railway and Dominion Coal Company. These companies recruited labourers to work on railway construction, to clear bush in Canada’s hinterland or to engage in other forms of manual labour. Between the years 1901 and 1911, as they followed work opportunities and kinship chains, almost 2 million Italians arrived in North America, including 60,000 who came directly to Canada. ICAP participants will learn of the contributions of local figures such Gene Cioni, Lorenzo Grassi, and many others. Spread the news and join us!

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