ICAP is pleased to announce this special edition of Italian Canadiana edited by Dr. Gabriel Niccoli (ICAP Board Member, ICAP Waterloo), with contributions by Dr. Konrad Eisenbichler (ICAP Board Member), Dr. Sam Migliore (former ICAP Board Member) and Ray Culos (ICAP 5th conference presenter, Vancouver). Published by The Frank Iacobucci Centre for Italian Canadian Studies, University of Toronto, you can purchase a copy by writing to The Frank Iacobucci Centre for Italian Canadian Studies, c/o Department of Italian Studies, 100 St. Joseph St. Toronto, ON, M5S, 1J4 (and cheque in the amount of $20.00).
The articles in this volume study the manner in which patterns of nostos, of journeying and returning, in Italian Canadian narratives are both identified and deployed. The contributors incorporate myriad branches of knowledge: from diaspora and postcolonial studies to cultural sociology and anthropology, from literary criticism and semiotics to the history of immigration, from high-ranking diplomacy to creative writing and documentary photography, and from comparative literature to translation. Given this array of interpretative modes, the reader will garner the dialogic and specular tenor of these texts which, while intersecting, without, paradoxically, problematizing each other, compose a thematic ensemble whose heuristic motivations grant them a common sense of literary stability and scope. All the Italian Canadian narratives analyzed share one common thread, that of erranza, of wandering, a human condition that parallels their very “migrant” mode of representation. An erranza whose exilic voice becomes the language of the migrant text itself; a text, en clair, as displaced as the voice that engenders it, a language not at home. A textual language, however, crafted ad arte, given the supreme degree of literariness that characterizes Italian Canadian writing today. Felicitous diverse colours, and profitable ones, for the Canadian literary tapestry as they weave, in an indirect and belatedly foundational manner, their exquisitely unique Italian Canadian literary weft threads through the warp fabric of Canadian literature.
Gabriel Niccoli is Professor Emeritus at St. Jerome’s University/University of Waterloo. He has published extensively on 16th and early 17th-centuries Italian and French dramatic theory, a volume on Baroque comparative pastoral drama, as well as on women writers of the Italian Renaissance. He has also edited a volume and published a number of essays on Italian Canadian immigration studies. He is presently working on a monographic study of a Renaissance Venetian poet.
G. Niccoli (editor), V. Austen, S.Bancheri, F. Cadel, L. Canton, S. Casini, R. CauchiSantoro, C. Concilio, R. Culos, K. Eisenbichler, S. Floriani, T. Guma, G. Iacobucci, F. Loriggio, S. Migliore, V. Pietropaolo, S. Piraro, J. Pivato, F. Sturino, S. Terzian, V. Teti.